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Sleep Better with Support from AFP NEWI

On May 15, a total of 16 fantastic fundraisers gathered at Seth’s Coffee in Little Chute, Not By Bread Alone in Green Bay and Jenn’s Java in Manitowoc for a Coffee Chat themed “What Keeps You Up at Night?”

Over hot chocolate and cappuccinos, they spoke of what they worry about in the wee hours: capital campaigns; too-small shops with too much to do; the importance of role clarity for staff and board; the pros and cons of buying mailing lists; identifying (and meeting!) goals for all we do; the love/hate relationship with events; and carving out time for major gift work. Tools, philosophies and laughs were shared.

Little Chute participants closed out their hour-long conversation by completing this sentence: “I will sleep better tonight because …” Here are their answers:

--I have a community to lean on.

--I realize my problems are not personal. They’re very common.

--I’ve been reminded to remember the mission.I’ve been inspired to share the story.

--This morning has reinforced the notion to talk with donors about the legacy they want to leave.

--AFP NEWI is growing and providing great resources.

--I know the pool of available money is less limited than we might think.

--The fundraising process is about showing joy.

Green Bay host Cara Gosse of Family Services of Northeast Wisconsin summed it up this way: “We all left energized and not feeling alone in our challenges. We can’t wait for the next coffee chat!”


Our Mission >

AFP, an association of professionals throughout the world, advances philanthropy by enabling people and organizations to practice ethical and effective fundraising. The core of activities through which AFP fulfills this mission include education, training, mentoring, research, credentialing and advocacy.


PO Box 2242, Appleton, WI 54912

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